High purity gas is ab important branch of industrial gas
Based on nearly 30 years of precious metal catalytic technology, Shaanxi Rock is dedicated to gas purification in the chemical industry, offering high-quality precious metal catalysts for industries such as the steel industry, chlor-alkali industry, petrochemical industry, semiconductor, and optical fiber. The product performance is reliable, featuring high activity, long lifespan, and renewable advantages.The following products are cordially invited for inquiries.
*Hydrogen deoxygenation for the production of high-purity hydrogen
*Argon deoxygenation for the production of high-purity argon
*Nitrogen deoxygenation for the production of high-purity nitrogen
*Carbon dioxide removal of hydrocarbons to produce high-purity carbon dioxide
*Air removes carbon monoxide,hydrogen and VOCs to produce high-purity air
*Oxygen removes carbon monoxide,hydrogen,VOCs for high-purity oxygen
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